Ahem !


Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy! ^^

Whee today so happy ♥ my mom said I can keep my phone for another night :3 Yay!
And the boy I love is finally mine ♥ weeee I love him sooo much ♥ I need him like a plant needs water to survive ♥
Whee so happy (: I got a few of his pic he send to mi..eee very cute dao ♥Hehe weee his finally mine ♥ Hehe..
Hope ii can go out wif him again soon I miss him so much...Hehe...
Tomoro gonna go facial at ioi..gonna be painful again:( but nvm ba its worth it XP Hehe ♥
He is sleeping now so I wanna follow him ... Gonna sleep early tonight ...nite nite <3
I love you
I miss you
I need you
I want you!

Muakiieeess nites everybody

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