Ahem !


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life ~ =]

Wheee today ii went church but Esther din go =(
good thingi got laura peii mii if nott ii lonely dao x)
Thankieee euu Laura For peii mii today~ muahhxxx love seii euu :D
ii got back my W705 phone jorh :D whee soo happi nurx x)
bt got this stranger kipp sms wiff mii lerh ~ ii dunno who dat oso bt tat ppl noe my name =X
Scaryy siaa ~ ii din even tell the ppl my name of gif my numb >< Weird :X

Exam wan cumm jorh lerh~mauu pengsan >< ii din study at all ~ Laziee mii x) hehe
ii duno y bt ii cant stop watching/buying alot of korean drama >< becumm my addiction jorh ~
ii keep watching tv boh study~ sure wan die liao =(
summo in class ii oways go out den walk walk x(
need stop my bad habit if not fail den get ROTAN o-o ><
my mommi larhs .. ii old jorh still wan rotan =( pain pain nurx
will red red dee =( my mommi beat hard TT x)

Shana Gambateh studieeeee x) *self motivation*

see mii soo perasan tak summoo foto wahaha xD 

lazieee mii xD tee hee thats all of now ba buh baiee bloggiee ii missie you <3

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cut Hair !! x)

Whee my hair cut jorh so sad nurx miss it sooo much =( but my new hairstyle oso not bad laa xD

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Long time no blog jor :D

Teehee long time din on my bloggieee x) finally can online and got time to do so x)

Chinise New Year this year first time got so little angpau =X nvm baa

whee iii love watching korean drama's hehe spent alot of money on it dy =X

i love this actor he so charming =DDD eeee xD
Isn't He just adorableee??? :D hehe i love himmm !!!
cant stop thinking of him =X

his name is Kim Beom x)
hehe go chech him out ba you'll find that he is just so charming lolXD
Valentine's day coming =) same date with my buddiee Laura's Birthday ;)
Happy Birthday in advance babe ;D hope you'll have a blast :D

that's all ii guess hehe
bye bye for now ;)