Ahem !


Monday, April 18, 2011

Aaaaa long time din on sowiee bloggiee (:

Lalala xDD ii dunno wan write wan long time i din on dy ..
Well here goes...

YAY ii got new bag yippie hurray lala xD

nice anot??? xDDD
tee hee x) ii gonna use this bag for school and tution xD

yt i went empire and ii found my favourite sweets
and ytd nite ii went tesco den ii saw my gor gor jianyuan O.O walao shock dao sei he so gentalman will push trolley for his mom de leerrr xDDD
wahaha xDDD
erm erm now wad ...hmm
I Got No5 in class YAY ME xDDD

LOL so lame ... erm speechless dy er er ii love you ? xD
hmm ii really noting to say mayb ii blog antr time ba bb :D <3

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