Ahem !


Monday, April 16, 2012


Haha suddenly got mood to write on my little bloggie again :D , Things are getting better , relationship with friends , family , many more :D .
Learnt a lot J , Finally I understand how to do Chemistry , Physics and Add Maths . Haha , just after doing 1 question I feel like im a genius x) oh yeah ! x) 
So lets see , what I remember doing all this while x) ! <3

WEDNESDAY (11.04.2012)
Had an outing with my cg that day J , but surprisingly all the girls didn’t come /.\ , just me , Jyin , GaiBei , KaiWen and AhC xD , im the only girl :O , Haha , woohoooo … So here goes ;) , this is how i look that day , Very casual I know ;) 

Continue , anyways I made some jelly that day :D around 12 or 1 I cant really remember , Kaiwen fetched me :D then it was time for him to fetch AhC J otw there , me and him played a game :) , who could stuff more jelly in the mouth xD haha 1st round he stuffed 4 only xD I stuffed 5 @@ xD and then I got a phone call /.\ bad timing xD KaiWen kept laughing xDDDD he was like how you gonna answer that and kept laughing xD I hung up on my friend cz my mouth was really full and couldn’t talk xD haha , then when I finally managed to swalloe everything she called me again J haha and we chat for a few minutes :) , 
2nd round :) I ate 6 KaiWen ate 7 aikssss then , we reached Jyin’s house already :) His small bro was playing Tetris haha :D ! , Spent I think around 1 hour there just hanging out I think x) then around 1 something I called GaiBei , HE JUST WOKE UP /.\ EPICCC XDDDDD PIGGY o(^(oo)^)o haha :P , then after that we said our goodbyes to Jyins parents and hit the road :) , weather was so hot that day xD , so I slept awhile while KaiWen was sleeping xD , smooth driving :) , then before we reached our destination I woke up and suddenly GaiBei call me , he say “ Eh ???!!!?? I thought got 3 people in the car only suddenly got 4 xD hahaaa FUNIEEEEE :D  , then FINALLY we reached our destination :D Cut the long story short , Kaiwen belanja us eat Tuttie Fruitee Ice Cream And Udon Mee :) THANKYOU KAIWEN :’)

My first time go shopping with 4 handsome guys haha :) Felt like a celebrity being protected by 4 bodyguards ^^ haha … that all for that day I guess J

Today my Qi invited me out for a movie , “小孩不坏” Haha thumbs up ^^ <3 , A show with many lessons and funny and touching scenes :’) <3 recommend you to watch it J
Haha enjoyed that day so much , that day God blessed me a lot J normally I’ll have to wait for a long time until my bus comes but amazingly right after I left the building and headed to the busstop a bus was there :D its all thanks to Jesus J He always provides for me :) , then off  to tuttion and everything was like usal nothing special J that’s all I guess xD
Btw Tq Qiao Qi for the popcorn and drinks :D <3
Today went to Chemistry tution and cg :D haha , took a bus to church and Kaiwen fetched me to WaiHong’s house from there J he bought me 2 buns cz I didn’t eat my dinner yet , awhhh :) , I owe you food :D haha , then went to cg and Jyin and AhC was already there , so fast xD
After some time , Gaibei , Qiaoqi and Jia Jia came :) then we prayed hard , praise our Lord and did Sharing :) after that we went to a mamak haha :D Gaibei belanja me 1 Limau Ais :) Thankyou GaiBei :) then it was time to head home , and I went to bed J xD
Haha as usal today is the day I go to church ;) <3 , went to church and made a new friend :) her name is Michelle x) , she’s sooooooo cute and adorable :3 , but quite shy and quiet >< haha then it was time to go home :)
Woke up at 9 and got ready to go to church again , around 10 soemthing Kaiwen came to fetch me xD , chat with Vivian and went to TeaBread to buy some buns cz we were hungry :) not bad the buns there ;) , after that off to church for prayer meeting :)
After that we ate our lunch and went to Basement 1 :) soon after that we discussed about some stuff and went off to snowflakes <3 aiksss :D , I belanja GaiBei ‘Coco Ono’ Same as mine :D THUMBS UPPPP !!
hahah  , after that Ah C sent us home then I took a bath and relaxed awhile after that I went out for dinner with my family , haha such a coincidence I bumped into Jyin and his family at the same restaurant haha , well we ordered my favourite vegetable “yao mak” :) and then went home and off to bed XD <3 enjoying my life :3 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Need A Place To Let It All Out Now

Today , actually was a happy day like normal J , But after an incident happened felt quite hurt , by your words and your actions , Im sorry , but im not perfect .. I cant please everyone , Im not God , I make mistakes too . Im just like you , a normal girl trying to live a happy life and move on no matter what problem comes in my way , problems wont stop coming , and at times it gets harder and harder , but I really wish that everything will turn out fine , we were best buddies at the past , I wish  I can just rewind the time and correct my mistakes but I cant so I have to face the concequences of my mistakes , I know that , but at times I wish you would stop rubbing salt into the wound , its not easy .
Everything is just a misunderstanding . Cant believe you would act like this , Today’s Mood : Happy – Down (But I’ll be happy again soon , I just need to let everything out)Forgive and forget with limited time isn’t easy , but I still try to do it . I hope one day you’ll understand that it was all just a misunderstanding and I hope one day I would get the chance to explain it to you before this misunderstanding gets more and more .
Tonight , gonna go pray and confess everything God . Need his comfort and advise badly because I want to overcome this situation .
Todays Look :) Smile no matter what happens