Ahem !


Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Need A Place To Let It All Out Now

Today , actually was a happy day like normal J , But after an incident happened felt quite hurt , by your words and your actions , Im sorry , but im not perfect .. I cant please everyone , Im not God , I make mistakes too . Im just like you , a normal girl trying to live a happy life and move on no matter what problem comes in my way , problems wont stop coming , and at times it gets harder and harder , but I really wish that everything will turn out fine , we were best buddies at the past , I wish  I can just rewind the time and correct my mistakes but I cant so I have to face the concequences of my mistakes , I know that , but at times I wish you would stop rubbing salt into the wound , its not easy .
Everything is just a misunderstanding . Cant believe you would act like this , Today’s Mood : Happy – Down (But I’ll be happy again soon , I just need to let everything out)Forgive and forget with limited time isn’t easy , but I still try to do it . I hope one day you’ll understand that it was all just a misunderstanding and I hope one day I would get the chance to explain it to you before this misunderstanding gets more and more .
Tonight , gonna go pray and confess everything God . Need his comfort and advise badly because I want to overcome this situation .
Todays Look :) Smile no matter what happens

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