Ahem !


Thursday, March 15, 2012

13.03.12 [ Tuesday ]

Wohoo went IOI with Pigaboo's :) Oh Happy day !!! Around 10.30 am I went out to wait for the bus and suddenly 1 car appeared infront of me and asked me to get in , WOAH scary right? xD
But actually it was my friend's dad
Thanks for the lift there Maeyen :)
Reached IOI quite early so went to J.CO for breakfast :D "Dapao" 1 donut for Enice since celebrating her birthday 
Then share Dong Cha with Maeyen :D
Head to redbox then :)
Sing for quite long
11am-2pm >< no voice dy haha :)

Then went to eat lunch at BBQ plaza :D
after eating till fat fat we all take pictures :D 
Enice dropped her comb then a cute waiter help her pick it up :D
I've never seen someone blush till so red before , awwhhh so cute :D 
Oh yeah almost forgot to say Flora bf came and find her , awhh :)

Then I needed to leave dy cause I want to go to an event where all the Chinese churches combine :)
Douglas Sms me that he reached IOI dy so I went to find him after that so coiencidence bumped into a Sweet couple haha
Steve and his girl MerSie
Awhhh they look awesome together :D 
Talked for a few minutes and took pictures ;) 

Then off to church waited for bus , while waiting saw my classmate Desmond haha , he looked shy :)
Then chit chat with Ying ying , her friend and Douglas and Qii suddenly call and say FASTER COME , here got dog lerh xD hahah funny :) 
 then Finally U69 came haha xD sat with Douglas xD
After that reach church dy and Angel pull my bag xD haha chat with her awhile then went to P2 to find Vivian ;)
After that went on the bus to go to Putrajaya , 
I sat with Qii and we both shared our things :) 
Jiayou Qii :)
after that reach Putrajaya IOI resort hotel 
Woahhh everything so grand :D
I very sick that time and needed water so SeeWei Lent me Rm 10 to buy water :)
So freaking expensive , Just 1 normal water bottle cost RM9.30
GILA !!! XD haha 
dint expect it to be so much ><

Then went into the hall/ballroom :) so grand ><

after that everyone keep change place till make me angry cz keep change change =~=
Thanks Qi and SeeWei calm me down :)
After that time to P&W :D haha
Very sick that time but ITS OKAY :D
No matter what I will praise my lord !  
After that pastor preach :) 
Hey guys , ever heard of Jesus christ? ;) If NO then YOU are really 
Haha seriously ;) 

Then everything over and Qi prayed so that my sickness will be healed , thanks :) 
then Vivian find Gaibei to chat and Kaiwen Prayed and time to go back :)
Gaibei sending me and Vivian back so while he paying for parking ticket me and Vivian Zi Lian abit ;) 
Vivian & Shana 
Shh curi curi take :) Drumstick 

Then we reach the car , I sat behind and kept making noise as usal :) haha 
After that send Vivian home and I told Gaibei some of the things I wanted to tell him a long time ago but he too busy for me :(
Anyways felt like less burden after telling him ...
I still got many things to share with my leader but .... :(
That all I guess :) 
Bye bye xD

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