Ahem !


Monday, March 5, 2012

2.3.2012 - 4.3.2012 [Friday-Sunday]

Had cg at church with whole gila team today :) oh yeah , enjoy <3 
Played games and praise and worship Jesus together ! <3 , 
Then Wai Hong preach :)
Then our cg combine and share our feeling ,
Thats all I guess :)

Woots ! Saturday :D , 
A BIG Miracle happened !! 
My grandfather had stroke 2 weeks ago :(
But today God healed him , He no need to go operation ! 
Hallelujiah ! 

After visiting him I went church :)
wait few minutes and then I saw my QIAO QI :D 
Haha , luckily she was there because gaibei had to fetch somemore people :O
Me and QiaoQi went for prayer meeting with Jenny <3

Then me and Qi book place for our cg members ^^
after that , service start :D <3 High !! haha 
Praised and worshiped him <3

Then service was over I help Min Huey with Jia Jia birthday card :D heheh
after that Kai Wen ask Min Huey to find a lighter to light the cake ,
Really didnt know where to get one @~@ then saw a shop open so we asked if they could lend use their lighter , 
they were very friendly and had smiles on their faces :D 

Sang a birthday song to Jia Jia :D hehe 

Someone so focused on the card :)
After that perasan with alot of people :D
Keep take many many pictures xD
Vivian & Shana 
Shana & Min Huey 
 Shana & QiaoQi
Shana & Sukii 
Min Huey , Drumstick , Shana 
Then Drumstick fetch Me , Min Huey , Sukii , Wan Shi and Vivian home .
He fetch WanShi first then I sat infront and we went chatime because noone wanted to go home early @~@ 
 Shana & Min Huey
Drumstick & Shana

Then we send Min Huey back :) 
After sending her back we got lost /.\ All of us NOOB xD dont know how to go out of Putri @~@ waste 1 Hour and Petrol D:
Sorry Drumstick ><
Then we send Vivian home :) <3
Saw her bro 1st time , he so white weihhh ><" 
Drumstick say he fall in love dy xD hahas

Then Sukii turn to go home :) 
Her house so big D: jealous ;) haha 
Then my turn to go home , 
When at home Me and Drumstick got prayed for by my mummy friend :)
Drumstick Jia you , stand strong dude :) 
After that was around 1-2am :)
Happy day <3 fell like a new person again :)

After Drumstick left I go online :D and chat with a few people :)
I fell asleep onlining , OMG 1st time >< 
Lucky I woke up before my mom woke up and offed the laptop :D heheh
Thats all :)


Its a Sunday :) 
Woke up around 8-9 cause my daddy nagging @~@
Hahah , went to church around 10 something :D hehe 
After that I found out Min Huey taking bus alone D: so I went bus stop and wait for her :)
On the way there suddenly got 1 car HORN me xD 
Scared dao me so I didnt care and just continue walking cz i didnt know who was horning xD , then my daughter suddenly call me and i knew who horned me dy haha :)

So me and Vivian walked to the busstop to wait for Min Huey ^^ 
While waiting we chat our heart to heart things :) <3
Thanks Vivian for letting me be your listener :) and for trusting me ^^

FINALLY , Min huey arrived haha , :)
then when want walk back to church , saw Tim Ci and Drumstick haha :)
Then we went on our way for prayer meeting :) 

After Prayer meeting I didnt know that dint have bible class today /.\ whoops !
Blurcase ,I Know :)
So , we plan to go IoI wong kok and eat our lunch ^^ heheh , 
I ate J.Co donut cz its cheaper :D oh yeah , save a lil bit of money :)

While waiting for Drumstick to take his car at church We Camwhore abit ;)

Then wanted to go see a movie but the timing tak ngam so dint see, 
Saw my bro , my ex , my son , my friend bf and many ppl there :) 
I was quite EMO I know , 
A lil bit lonely and something reminded me of some people I really miss but cant get to play withe they ady :( haiz

Drumstick and Jia Jia had to go off cz busy I think but me and Vivian and Ah C went back later only cz ,
I couldn't go back yet cz I forgot to bring my key and nobody home :(
still emoing that time then Ah C belanja me snowflakes and I was okay ady :) 
THANKS yeah :)

Then Ah C sent me and Vivian home with Penny :)
When I reach home I ate dinner and *PLOP* so sleep , 
so tired ><
When woke up woahh shocked got alot of handsome and pretty people msg me ^^
haha Happy :)

Thats all I guess :) wait untill another time till I update again barh :) 
Bye ! =)