Ahem !


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Normal borinq Thursday

So what to say today? hmm its just a normal boring Thursday :(
woke up today and my arms pain !! :( 
went to school and MaeYen hit my arm 2 time , Pain weih =~= 
reach school alot of ppl asking me , ehh you went chatime ytd ? 
I say : Yeah why?
and they ask me nice anot and who was the guy I was with @~@
LOL larhhh macam no see me with a male friend before? Crazy :)

Chat with Arcasia alot 
Me , Maeyen and Arcasia laugh like sakai xD
now I know why Jun Hoong call me sakai xD heheh , 
Last period my teacher tried to talk but whole class noisy as usal and my 1st time see a teacher that looked so unhappy :( sorry I laugh too much D:

Exams are coming , OMG
I hardly study T^T waiting to die only D: haiz
God pleasse help me :(
Wish me luck :) <3 

Abit emo now haha no idea why , 
I realise that when im emo I say 
if im happy or normal I wont say that xD haha 
LOLABLE >___< 
btw , Thank Gaibei and Qi for giving me advise today :)
Vivian you too 
Love  you guys :)

Next , hmm what to say now?
Oh yeah !!! 

Yo Jia Jia happy birthday :D <3
Have a blast , 
Cant wait to see you soon :D heheh 
You're awesome and you know it ;) 

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