Ahem !


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thankyouu x)

Recently went through many experiences , akward situations and awesome new beginings x)
First time had JUNK FOOD day with classmates hahaha xD
Awesome and FUNNY xD a lot of memories ^^

This month set up new goals and not forgetting the old ones too J ,
also breakingthrough in some ways :D
Gonna make a
HAPPY BIRTHDAY card for someone I really hate in my school
Well I forgave her and I don
t hate her anymore after what she did J
And almost the whole school hates her
pity her actually , well its time to be different from others :D !
Jiayou Shana ;)

This week I realised I have another less than 3 weeks to prepare for my monthly exam L
I study dao feel like head wanna boom but nothing in it xD haha
anyways I want to talk about GOD :D YAY !!!

Today went Ochado to study with Minhuey (BUT FAIL)
then otw there I waited for the bus quite long , then finally a bus came <3
MY FAVOURITE COMFORTABLE T507 (The old type with many seats)
I sat on it for few minutes , the bus was full , lucky I managed to get a seat ^^
but after a few minutes got 1 popo came in the bus , she stand and nobody willing to sacrifice their seat for her
then I keep thinking and then I think to myself ,
Im wearing ARMY OF GOD shirt ,
Im a Christian
One of my goals is to treat everyone good
so I gave my seat up
she kept thanking me
J then when reach the place for me to go off she wanted me to sit beside her cause that seat was empty dy but then I told her its okay because I have to go down now , she smiled and still thanked me , she waved and non stop smiing
its like I
ve made a new friend , that Ive shown Gods love :D

Its sort of a feeling that words cant express , just a simple action can make a persons day ,
really need to thank the Lord
today he opened my eyes and changed my mindset towards some things
Thankyou to my BIG BIG GOD <3

This week Ive made up a big decision to change to be a better person .
Not to prove to others I can be better , but to glorify his name
every small matter matters
New Goals :
To care more ,
to treat others good even thou they treat me bad or despise
To put aside myself and to put GOD FIRST :)

These are the new goals added to my List of GOALS I would like to achieve ,
To care and to treat others good eventhou they treat me bad can show how God
s love towards us are :D its one of the ways for me x)

A really big THANKYOU to those whove put up with me thru good and bad times :D
to those who open up my mind and my eyes and to those who guide me :D
mostly thankyou to everyone
big the biggest thanks goes to JESUS :)

YAY <3

Todays Verse Of The Day
Isaiah 41:13
 " For I , the Lord your God , will hold your right hand , Saying to you , ' Fear not , I will help you . ' "

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