Ahem !


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

:: 10.1.12 ~ Tuesday

Hello Bloggie :3
Awh I missed you for the whole entire day x)
Sooooo time to blog abt today :D

Today I carried 23 FAT textbooks and walked home =~= *can be superwoman ;)
Thanks my Pigaboo ( MaeYen ) accompany and help me carry today x) 
Without you I think I can pengsan half way walikng home xD haha 

My Chemistry teacher when she talks its so slow >~< 
It like reading a bedtime story xD 
I slept in class again *But few minutes only cause MaeYen woke me up xD 

Imma naughty girl =P I skipped tution today xD felt lazy >~<!!
MUAHAHA >=D Thank for asking if i wanted a ride to tuttion yarh Sozaii East :) 
Next MONTH I need help xD haha today no need dy :)
Thanks yarh =P next time I belanja you arh ;)

Happy today x) But I cant understand what my Physic teacher is saying >~<
She talk to fast xD and I have a short attention span xD
Im a blur person and I daydream alot xD haha :)
Btw , I cut my fringe very obvious merh? So many people kept saying
"Eh you cut your hair ady arh"

Today saw my two handsome seniors x) 
Desmen and Nigel xD haha long time i dint see them dy xD
Fuhyohh sudah more lenqzaii lerh xD haha :) not bad not bad xD 

In school today I kept singing a chinese christian song xD haha :) 
Im a bananna and i sing chinese song , WAO :) 
Sure my cute leader Drumstick will be proud of me when he sees this xD
If I told him this face to face he sure say "Fuhyorh chinese worh" haha
With Jesus Nothing is impossible :) 
He is awesome :) 
Dont believe me ? Your loss ;) Haha

Today my mummy took my broadband @~@ ish!! couldnt online in the afternoon :(
And tomorow she's gonna take it again .. 
haha x) but nvm barh its for my own good :) Thank you mummy x)

I am now curently waiting for GAIBEI to msg me +~+ 
if you see this , faster sms larh you xD 
Cant wait for Saturday :) Hehe my favourite day of the week !! :D
Thats all for today I guess :) and tomorow will be another day and it will be closer to Saturday :D YAY !!!! 

I Dont Like to study xD espically study add math @~@"

Almost forgot Vivian Jiayou arh tomorow your exam!!
I will pray for you x) <3 

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