Ahem !


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

:: 11.01.2012 ~ Wednesday =)

Yesterday night I read the bible , realised something important ...
I heard it many times but didnt care about it that much :( , 
~Matthew 5:43-48~
I should love my enemies :) , It is hard but im still trying
There is this girl in my class , I dont really like her but when I think really hard there is actually no real reason for me to not like her , 
I forgiven her for what she did to me in the past , im still scared of her but that is not a reason for me to dislike her right? :\
I told my leader about what she did and all and he told me that since so many people hate her I should love her :\ its hard >~< and I dont know why , 
Just because almost the whole school hates her and my bestfriends hate her dosen't mean I should be like them just to "fit in" right? :(
My friends keep tell me about her and keep saying bad words and things about her , somehow I feel sorry for her :'( 
If that was me I would really be extremly hurt inside :(
So starting from now im gonna try REALLY REALLY EXTREMLY hard to like her 

Now lets talk about TODAY =)

Awh today I woke up LATE >< luckily they not yet close the gate xD
I went to school with panda eyes >~<ISH yong suii betul =PP
anyways =) Wao teachers really like to talk xD
Espically my sejarah teacher >~< 
she kept talking and talking non stop 
just 2 periods and she can talk from page 5-14 @~@
PRO xD haha , but I really dont like teachers that just talk and the notes you have to go home and do yourself >~< at least give some notes larh :( 

See the EYE BAGS @@ but I dont mind cause I was prasing him until late night <3 

And there's ADD MATH too xD she teach quite fast >~< I blur again and 
I saw the wrong paper and was like HARH??? xD
haha im really a blur case x) *admitting* xD
Haha =) today got free massages from Flora lerr xD
Thanks yarh <3 my back dont hurt that much dy ^^

In class suddenly I started to high >~<!!
started playing arm wrestling and One , Two Jus xD haha 
Imma crazy Shana :)
ehhh almost forgot , THANK YOU ESTHER for the accounts paper thingi haha :)

Ehh Vivian hows your exam yea? :D Easy ? Many people support you lerr :D 
Hope you can get good result :D <3 ILY

QIAO QII !!!! IMY =~= 1 whole day dint chat with you T^T
sure you forget me dy hor T^T :'( </3 
Haizzz xD ~

Drumstick ~~ Haha how come u dont know I got blog geh ? =P 
last time go cc you saw dy marh xD
so fast forget ... SUDAH TUA KA? xD haha =)

Edwin YAPPPPPP ~~~ 
Thanks lerh =) i keep mafan you with my add maths questions xD next time I belanja you when i got $$ arh ;) xD hahaha

Nothing to say dy luu xDDD bye bye :D <3 

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