Ahem !


Thursday, May 10, 2012

1st day of mid year examination!!!!

Ahhhhh this week been quite stressful for me :( ,
Study study study L
HOW BORING !!! >< but no choice , D:
Had My 2 Bm papers today , >< not bad bahh
Hope to get a B at least :)
 Next paper is English , ahhh no tips L
Study EVERYTHING T^T , Hope To get and A- , A , Or better yet
A+ :D
Studying English :)

Today I just found out that I have to take the accounts paper next Friday D:
OMG !!!! God Please Help Me D: , I MUST NOT FAIL!!!!
My parents will kill me :’(
My accounts not good at all D: im not prepared , Oh God Please Help Me :’(
Im nervous D: Studied but nothing about accounts went in my brain D:
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I need help L !!!
Good luck Shana You Sure Can Do It !!!! :’) I believe in myself !!

Studying Accounts /.\
Today don’t know why but the weather so freaking hot ! >.<
Btw , I finally made up my mind ,
Minimum : 22 People
That’s my goal ^^ 22 is just a minimum , hope to achieve that goal and have MORE people :D
I believe Jesus will help me J
God Is My Refuge And Strength ,
I trust in him <3 , 22++ people , get ready for me :D
I’ll be coming ,
Oh yeahh , well I guess I better go back to studying again /.\
Bye bye :D

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