Ahem !


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bla bla bla and ... Thank you :)

Yay went to see a movie with 1 crazy girl BooMilo and her friend TeeRex to watch a scary movie /.\
Do you believe in ghost?
that was the title xD quite confusing and funny but SCARY too /.\
while watching movie my hubby called me ! :D awhhhh 
I literally screamed on the phone but hubby dint mind :3 
I Love My Hubby ;)

Today gonna see movie @ IOI with My HUbby and Gaibei :)
Hope no one ffk again =-= !!!
Well thought of watching a scary show , but cant seem to find one , oh well ,  guess im watching the same movie again :P i dont mind x) 

This few weeks I've been pushed away ... put aside .
You were my bestfriend , and you still are its just that .. why are you so cold to me?
Aiksssss enoughhh , dont wanna talk about it x(

Well besides those negative things that have been happening , Lets talk about positive things ;)
Positivity me likey :P 

Well , Im happy these few days got to experience many things i've not experienced before ,
I guess each day im learning more and more things ,
experience more and more things ,
see more and more things happening ,
and mature more and more  :P 

Well lets talk about his week :P
Moral paper , hope to get A :P
Accounts paper make me stressed like ....
I got so many new horrifying pimples T T
Yuckk disgusting , hope it'll all go away soon :P

Went out with Vivian on Monday and Tuesday ,
Wednesday rest day ,
Thursday , study day
Friday , Movie with Boo Milo ,
Saturday , Movies with my Hubby and Gaibei then off to church :)
Sunday , Breakfast with buddies maybe? then off to church , Ioi to find friends and then home to study and spend time with my family ;) !
Chat on the phone with my hubby for 1 whole hour yesterday :P 
from 1am++ - 2am++
talked about my problems and opinions , and about today dating movies :P 
nehehhehe cant wait :D
Curenttly chatting with Vivian on facebook :P
My lovely daughter :)
I love her
she never left me eventhou many did
Appericiate her alot :) !
Now we're chatting about how much we love each other awhhh :3
I love my sushi daughter :D
Btw , these few days I ate sushi almost this whole week /.\
Wow , sushi kaki :P hahah ! 
feel like thanking my cg family now :D well here goes 

Thanks for always helping me :D , haha thanks for fetching me, lending me money , talking to me , putting in time for me , letting me put BOMB in your car , waiting for me while i go do natural buisness xD :) , Make me feel important , you thought me many things , you're an awesome leader ;) Jiayouuu ! continueeeee :DDD gambatehhhh :DDDDD
Hahah your turn :) , thanks laaa :) you always fetch me also :D ... I always "Fang Pi" in your car also you dont mind , you just start laughing xDDD , thanks always tolerate me especially when im extremly moody xD thanks for guiding me from November until now , haha sorry if i keep finding you >< its just that I like telling you everythig xD haha I guess you're my best guy friend ;) also thanks for teaching me chinese and to be more and more perasan and cheerful xD Oh Yeah and thanks for always singing xDDD hahahahahhahahahhaahahhaha ! thanks for the 100 plus , petrol , guidence , cheerfullness , crazyness , leadership , and aiks to many to say /.\ aiya you know la xD haha  thank you :) 
YingHui :D
Ying hui jie :D <3 Awhhh thank you so much to you too , thanks for your advise that time when I was in bad terms with someone :P you know i know :DDD haha , thanks for always listening to me , lending me money when I bankrupt T T , Btw I still owe you rm 10 haha x) i'll pay you back tomorrow , :) thanks alot for your , leadership , your time , your caring , you Love :P I love you , thank you so muchhh :D
QiaoQi :P
Ahjummaaaa :D Kamsahamida !!!! thanks for bringing me to church , for infulencing me , guidiing me , teaching me , playing with me , thanks :DDDD you always will be my ahjumma , my shepard :D <3 
Saraenghaeyo ! :D I right now feel like hugging you ! xD you sure sayyy yer geli haha :DDDD
You're one awesome leader :DDD !!!!!!!
Lalalalaalalallalalalal :D chinca kamsahamida ahjumma , na chinca chinca saraenghaeyo :D hwaitting O(^^)O
Hehehhee i still remember the first time i met you :P last year rainbow party xD you so shy with me that time xDDDDD , hahahah , now bo shy jorrr xD i also remember the first time i didnt know how to speell you name then Gaibei teach me "SeeHuii" xD haha then i sms you and you said its "SeeWei" la T T xD hahah really paiseh that time :P sowieeeeee , bianie unnie :) hahah , thanks for telling me your things and listening to mine , thanks for the advise and crazynessssssssssssssss i love you shaporh :P <3 
Shaporh wanshii , you turnnn luuu :P 
ehhhh teach me how to sing :X you sing so nice dao /.\ i sing like .... you know laaa i dunid say haha xD
I want choclateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! :PPPP i wanttttttttttttt
Nextime lets go out :D 
go out find choclate and buy buy buy :D 
be fat fat one day YAY :D haha 
thanks nehhhhh you always crazy with me xD hahah , remember ahhh nextime lets go buy choclate and Sing K :P teachh meee :P imma waitng you ;) ! 
I love love you laaaaaa , my crazy 38 hou man derh sukiii :P
hehehehehhe , thanks so muchiieeeee at camp you listen to me share some things with you at my bed with the blanket cover cover xD hahah  , I never got the chance to say , you SO CUTE O.O
xDDD hahah , thanks willing be crazy with me , sing with me , and care me :') I <3 you 38 porhhh :P 
Awhhh my lovely daughter turn :P hehehehheh you know what i want to say xD cz i fb inbox with you about it xD 
haha really appericiate you :) on tuesday really damn gam dong :') you accompany me all the way at Mid Valley just to cheer me up , very rare to find a daughter like you :P , thanks yeahhhhh :) i keep it short and simple here but you know how i really feel :P <3 I know you're going through alot now , JIAYOU , i'll always be here , supporting you all the way <3 Jia you , Hwaitting !!! ;D
Hubby <3 , thanks for listening to me and telling me and willing to share with me :) <3 hahah , you're also going through alot recently , gambatehh :) I will also be here supporting you also :) ! , if you need a friend im here , Jesus here , your family here for you :P , Jia you in exammm :P , Glorifyyy his name :D Oh yeah !!! , thanks always give me sweet :D haha 
see you later at IOI :P <3
Jyin gor :DDD hahah thanks yeahh , you teach chinese too :D , you listen to me , gave me advise and banyank lagi :P haha jiayou learning that "River Flows In You " man man laii :)
Hahha , gambatehh in exammm :))))) never give up :))) ! Jyin Hwaitting :D 
Ying Ying 
Ying Ying jie :DDD why your skin so nice T T  share share some secrettt laaa :P see my skin        
T^T sad case xD haha , awhhhhhh you soooo dak yii nehh :( .... haha , thanks for everything ! :D btw you may not know it , but i learnt how to be strong from you :D haha :) ... thanks :D <3 , you forever my ying ying :P <3 MINE :DDDD muahahahahha :D thank you so much ! <3 
Hahah thank you edmond gor , ;P you teach me this word , "Gam Sai Leiii" hahhahahah xD , you always veryy cool like that :P haha thanks dint beat me so hard when i play One Two Jus xD that time , thankyou for chatime :DDDDDD i owe you jelly but i not enough sugar at home now to make :( next week i go buy :P , hahah also thanks for the friut cake you make lastime :D not bad lerhhh xDDDD nextime my birthday make for me choclate cake lahhh xD haha , anyways Jiayou jiayou :D , xie xie edmond gor :P 
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee my dancer turn :P hehehehehe , awhhhh lets dance somemore xD hahah , your mummy cooking extremly niceleeee :D btw hope you like the toothpaste thingi :D haha thanks for always smiling at me :D heheheh :P <3
You’ll always be my sistar no matter what J I love you ! thanks so much for your loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D hehe
Hohohohoo dao ni liaooo :P !
Hahah thanks yeahhh shaguaaa , you help me in my tetris battle xD haha you rank me untill 21 then I rank back down to 19 /.\ sorry xD haha , thanks always accompany me when I cant sleep at night J enn laa sayang you :) sha sha brother :P hahah ,
Thanks always bully me xD hahahaha xDDD and thanks always take care of me like im your real lil sis ;) , and thanks for that day chatime haha and your petrol also ;) Mm goii aa gor
Jia Jia 
Jia jia jieee :P why you so slim T T and where you buy your clothes??? Quite nice leeee >< hahah :P thanks nehhh yesterday dint complain about my loud fart xDD hahahaahahhahahahahahahahahha xDDD !!!! epic moment :D haha thanks always let me follow you when I come church early and noone else ther but you :P thanks jia jia jie :D I love seii you :P
Hehehhehe my dougieeee gorrr :D I friends with you ever since I was form 2 untill now , WOW fantastic xD Hahaha , thanks make me laugh a lot and at times accompany me  take bus :P gam dong nehhhh :DDDD Jiayouuu in your work , in christ , in form 6 , in life :D you crazy mui always here to bully and support you :P oh yeahhh ! xD
Ehhh where you go recently L why I no see you one ? D: faster come backkk , my chinese improved liaooo now I sharing also sometimes talk chinese lehh xD faster faster come back , hear me speak xDD hahahahaha , we all waiting youuu ! :D nehhehhehehehehe , thanks larr that day at bus you help me holdmy books J heavy dao , thanks yaaaaa and thanks always zat me xD hahahahah a:) hope you fast fast come back :D
Ah C 

上周陪我等待我的母来接我pendriveXD哈哈谢谢跟我玩:)真的很感P sorry if its quite short xD and if the chinese cacat not my fault xDDD BLAME GOOGLE TRANSLATE XD  haha :P
Wing Heng
Haha thanks for accompanying me at IOI a very long time ago xD haha and thanks for playing with me , tahaning my crazyness and many others xD thanks for that day lastiem bai nian let me see your turtle haha x) really thanks yarhhh :)

Well this is my first time writing my blog so long @~@ haha thanks ya guys , really appericiate you , if I did not mention your name , sorry because im not good at names and some idk how to spell xD hahahahhahahaha really sorry , well conclusion is


Thanks for accepting me for who I am :) you guys are awesome

Well now is gonna be 1pm soon , I guess I better get ready and go IOI now x))))) bye bye J !

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