Ahem !


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Whoops :o

These few days really happy but really emo ,
If my friends saw this they will say im immatured , childish , sensetive or what ever la 
I dont care anymore , this is my space to let it all out its my wish :) 

Tell you the truth , I really miss my bestfriend ...
The way you treat me now and last time is really different , 
You would only listen to me if I have a problem .
If not I guess you just want to talk with them boys , 

Sorry , I just cant get over this , 
many people tried to replace you , they tried to cheer me up but FAIL 
I guessed it hurt so much so that now my attitude changed 
I guessed it caused a scar somewhere deep inside . 
I broke rules , said vulgar words and many other things .
Im doing something im not allowed to at all ,
No one knows except those whom I really trust 
Right now , there are people who want to try to know me more 
But I guess they can only know that much , 
I dont trust people easily 
Dont expect me to treat you like a bestfriend so fast 

Recent mood : Down
I know you think im childish or immatured ,
I know ..
Recently in a foul mood , 
Patience lost easily 
Kindness gone 

You dont really have to read this , im just writing it out to express my real feelings , 
I held it in for quite some time because I knew if I wrote anything there would be people who would suddenly want to care for me and judge me , but actually I just want it to go back to how it was last time when less people cared except the ones that I wanted to care for me  . 
Please unless you're the ones who used to care about me last time please just back off 
Dont act all matured to me or whatever , tell you the truth it just annoys me :)
A person acting matured to me isnt someone I would like to mix around with :X
Just be normal , dont judge me , accuse me , fake with me 
Very annoying that I have to put up with these kind of attitudes 
Just be yourself la very hard isit?
If you want to talk to me just be yourself 
Dont come finding  me acting all great , prefect or whatever
Nobody is perfect 

Dont be boss me ,
I dislike having to do something I dont want to do 

Dont Judge me , 
How I live my life is my business dont have to look down on me 

Just act like your normal self , 
If its very hard for you to do so then just buzz off :)

For those who leave me when I need you the most and come to me when im successful just .. well 
Go away :) I dispise people like you the most !! 

You beh tahan me then sorry but its not my problem :) 
I cant please everone , 
now you're thinking why I dont write about happy things?
Well I write what I feel like writing because this is MY BLOG , My SPACE , MY WISH 
I dont like writing fake fake feelings here :) 

Thanks for understanding :) !
Btw Happy Fathers Day Jesus And Papa , Sorry I No mood of all days today , but thanks for always supporting me :) 
I Love You :) 
Sincerly , The Owner :) 

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