Ahem !


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

:: 13.01.12 ~ 17.01.12 [Friday - Tuesday ♥]

Friday (13.01.12)

I cant really remember what happened on Firday haha xD paiseh :) 
Saturday look xD

Skip to the next day then :D 
Saturday (14.01.12) 
Wheeeeee its Saturday :D <3 , Went church today ;) 
Found out that Gaibei cg and Kai wen cg gonna combine xDDD abit shock when heard but Yay :DDD
After that dinner time :DDD wholala xD FOOD !! xD
We introduced oursleves to each other with a beat xD quiet fun lorh XD 
After that eat :D then we sing a happy birthday song for Ah C Birthday :DDD
Our cg <3
I love this cg :3 everyone is very warm and friendly :D haha
they make you feel comfortable and the're vry caring x3 <3
After that my friend bought Chatime for me :D woots xD 
Haha Mango QQ <3 my favourite x3 Thanks again yea xD
After that time to go back :( , Thanks Vivian mum for sending me home :3
so sorry mafan you >~< =(

thanks all for Saturday I think xD 
*Next day*

Sunday (15.01.12)

Today I left my house at 11.40 to go take bus xD then I reached church 1 hour before service starts xD whoa :D , 
Went there then alone walking for few min and smsing with Seewei <3 hehe
Then saw Kelly and Jenny :3 they accompanied me for a while 
then they had to go and I had to go book place haha :)
Few minutes later Vivian came ady :D she accompanied me after that slowly everyone finally came haha :D 

Today I during prayer meeting I speaked in tounges :D haha proud of myself :3
My relationship with my holy spirit can be closer :3
After prayer meeting I had many questions in my head @~@ haha :) 
Thanks for everyone who tried to explain to me and explained to me :)
At first I my leader but he dint choi me wait so long but no msg xD maybe he was busy xD sad case , then some of my buddies explained to me but I didnt understand xD 
when Jyin and Timci explained to me I finally understood :) but I still abit confused xD , Thanks ya :3 
As Jyin explainig to me I suddenl felt sad @~@ all of a sudden , Felt like I have many problems T^T , I shared with him 1 of it and he advised me and told me many things I dint know XD haha =) THANKYOUSOMUCH :D
after that Flora started to chat with me xD I still emoing that time @~@ and she told me she will pray for me :') 
When she and Jyin told me they will pray for me / Keep me in their prayer I felt vry touched =') 
Thanks yarh x)
And before I slept , I prayed to God , After that I felt really better :) Thankyou Jesus :)

Almost forgot , KaiWen challenged me :D And Im gonna accept that challange :D Muahahaha ^^ :3 
Almost forgot another thing , Thankyou GaiBei cz send me home that day xD


Monday (16.01.12)

Went to school today haha :D Sejarah teacher did her talking again xD haha :) but it wasn't alot xD haha =)
During recess time Flora told me ytd night she prayed for me , really felt vry gamdong :D
It made me realise something *dont wanna tell you :P(wanna know ask me)
Then she accompanied me stayback cz I go try out see I can in mssd for ping pong anot :D 
I got in :D Hallelujiah :D and its all because Jesus helped me 
I didnt pratice for like more than 5 months and I can in :D ThankYou Jesus :3 
Haha after that Flora came to my hse then we played pingpong xD haha I teached her :D hehe ... =D , after that I went tution and go cari Esther :D <3 haha , 
She heloed my with my add math h/w after tution , Thanks ya <3 hehe ..
Then , I onlined then I saw Foong Peng comment on my status , and Qiao Qi too :D felt happy :3 <3 haha :) 
Then I slept at 3 cz doing karangan , whoa , Now I got BIG BIG panda eyes :( 
Haha xD
Thant all for Yesterday , Now time for TODAY !! :D

Tuesday (17.01.12)

Today woke up at 7 pm and rush to dress up and tie hair and bla bla bla
went school everything was normal then bla bla bla and nothing to say then this is how I looked when I came home xD 

See my teruk panda eyes T^T awh xD 
Thats all fo now I guess :D waiting for tomorow :)
going IOI with friends then off to church xD <3 yay :D hehe

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