Ahem !


Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy CNY !!! :D / [Wednesday18.01.12-Saturday21.01.12] =)

Happy Chinese New Year :D
2012 Is gonna be an awesome year :) , 
Im not gonna drink wine or beer NO WAY :X 
=) Its my sis birthday today too :D hehe lucky day :3

ANG PAU and Fireworks wheee :D 
Money come $$ no pokai dy yay :D <3 
Im missing my someones badly T^T Dint see them for like almost 2 years T^T 


 Havent been updating my blog recently @~@ sorry bloggiee x) , 
Enjoyed today at my popo hse x) hehe got angpaus :D haha 
and got a great big hug :) 
Just got off the phone with my pretty luii and smsing with gaibei and qiaoqi just now :)
Went to IOI that day with Wing Hing and Vivian today x) hehe 
Played bowling haha my marks so lan weih >< Imma noob at bowling xD , i got 62 , Wing Hing got 72 and Vivian 46 >< Luii jiayous more arh :) , 
Then we go play car racing :D , I LOST T^T (NOOB!!)
then my luii need to leave dy awh :( 
Left me and Wing Hing xD We went to some shops and pass by the childern shirts and stuff kept telling each other "i Buy for you arh " haha xD
then we went to Popular go read books :) 
I read about Hair de and he read about magic @~@ xD haha
after that we went and wait for bus then GaiBei call me haha :) 
Then we took M21 cz wanted to with Qii take bus too but the bus dint turn in @~@ 
Wing hing keep say he dont like metro la this that haha xD
Then around 6:58 like that wait for Qi aruond 10 min i think at the church busstop xD 
While waiting sms alot with my cute shaporh SeeWei <3 

Then we Fast go in church cz we were late @~@ psps
I thought the event start at 7.30 @~@ haha , then we praise Jesus and listen to pastor preach :) , After that went down and gather with cg for awhile then Gaibeii fetch me and Qiao qi home :)
then back dy stright tidur cz tired xD haha next , 

Friday (20.01.12)

Wheeeee today went to school and ALONE during recess =~= Flora went to do duty with Esther and Maeyen beli food with Arcasia  @~@ So Shana sit there ALONE @~@ Then went to class ICT teacher dint come so Me , Nicole , Anita , Maeyen and Arcasia started playing a game and praising Jesus <3 
after school stright walk to busstop cz wanna go cheong k at neway with Jyin , Ah C , Jia jia , Enmi , Drumstick , See Wei , Qiao qi , Vivian and Penny xD haha 
When on bus i met Sze kay and ChinYee :DD Haha chat with those 2 lenqluii awhile xD Kay sportcheck my wallet haha xD then reach Neway around 1 they say will start at 1.30 so i sit there and WAIT @~@ wait dao 1 hour >~< at 2 only Jyin reach @~@ while waiting i listen to song and read bible , the guards keep talking to me @~@ lucky Jyin finally came xD haha , Then we go into the room :) , i still rmbr the room numb 212 xD hehe , then they all sing dao so 38 xD I guai luii do homework LOL XDDDD haha , then time to eat :D <3 Yummy , i ate spaggeti xD Vivian , qii and seewei copy me >< xD haha after that I with gaibei and vivan go off earlier cz wanna send my luii home and fetch ying hui , whn went KL Rain alot @~@ like cats and dogs xD haha 

After that we stright went to church :) reach there early 2 hours I think @~@ then I go do homework again and Fell asleep LOL xD haha when the other all arive i woke up xD so comfortable to sleep xD then we go eat dinner :) Kaiwen cook lerr :DDDD Yummie xD not bad ler :DDDDD and Jyin teached me some chinse words :D
After that we praise god and pray , can feel presence of holy spirit =') <3 
After that Gaibei send me , yinghui , see wei and her bro and qiaoqi home :) i Very high that time keep singing and making noise @~@ xD hahah Sorry i very noisy that time , then went home and I cant rmbr what i did next haha psps :)

Saturday i dint do anything fun :) thats all barh :) <3 Hope u Enjoy ;)

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