Ahem !


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bla bla bla and ... Thank you :)

Yay went to see a movie with 1 crazy girl BooMilo and her friend TeeRex to watch a scary movie /.\
Do you believe in ghost?
that was the title xD quite confusing and funny but SCARY too /.\
while watching movie my hubby called me ! :D awhhhh 
I literally screamed on the phone but hubby dint mind :3 
I Love My Hubby ;)

Today gonna see movie @ IOI with My HUbby and Gaibei :)
Hope no one ffk again =-= !!!
Well thought of watching a scary show , but cant seem to find one , oh well ,  guess im watching the same movie again :P i dont mind x) 

This few weeks I've been pushed away ... put aside .
You were my bestfriend , and you still are its just that .. why are you so cold to me?
Aiksssss enoughhh , dont wanna talk about it x(

Well besides those negative things that have been happening , Lets talk about positive things ;)
Positivity me likey :P 

Well , Im happy these few days got to experience many things i've not experienced before ,
I guess each day im learning more and more things ,
experience more and more things ,
see more and more things happening ,
and mature more and more  :P 

Well lets talk about his week :P
Moral paper , hope to get A :P
Accounts paper make me stressed like ....
I got so many new horrifying pimples T T
Yuckk disgusting , hope it'll all go away soon :P

Went out with Vivian on Monday and Tuesday ,
Wednesday rest day ,
Thursday , study day
Friday , Movie with Boo Milo ,
Saturday , Movies with my Hubby and Gaibei then off to church :)
Sunday , Breakfast with buddies maybe? then off to church , Ioi to find friends and then home to study and spend time with my family ;) !
Chat on the phone with my hubby for 1 whole hour yesterday :P 
from 1am++ - 2am++
talked about my problems and opinions , and about today dating movies :P 
nehehhehe cant wait :D
Curenttly chatting with Vivian on facebook :P
My lovely daughter :)
I love her
she never left me eventhou many did
Appericiate her alot :) !
Now we're chatting about how much we love each other awhhh :3
I love my sushi daughter :D
Btw , these few days I ate sushi almost this whole week /.\
Wow , sushi kaki :P hahah ! 
feel like thanking my cg family now :D well here goes 

Thanks for always helping me :D , haha thanks for fetching me, lending me money , talking to me , putting in time for me , letting me put BOMB in your car , waiting for me while i go do natural buisness xD :) , Make me feel important , you thought me many things , you're an awesome leader ;) Jiayouuu ! continueeeee :DDD gambatehhhh :DDDDD
Hahah your turn :) , thanks laaa :) you always fetch me also :D ... I always "Fang Pi" in your car also you dont mind , you just start laughing xDDD , thanks always tolerate me especially when im extremly moody xD thanks for guiding me from November until now , haha sorry if i keep finding you >< its just that I like telling you everythig xD haha I guess you're my best guy friend ;) also thanks for teaching me chinese and to be more and more perasan and cheerful xD Oh Yeah and thanks for always singing xDDD hahahahahhahahahhaahahhaha ! thanks for the 100 plus , petrol , guidence , cheerfullness , crazyness , leadership , and aiks to many to say /.\ aiya you know la xD haha  thank you :) 
YingHui :D
Ying hui jie :D <3 Awhhh thank you so much to you too , thanks for your advise that time when I was in bad terms with someone :P you know i know :DDD haha , thanks for always listening to me , lending me money when I bankrupt T T , Btw I still owe you rm 10 haha x) i'll pay you back tomorrow , :) thanks alot for your , leadership , your time , your caring , you Love :P I love you , thank you so muchhh :D
QiaoQi :P
Ahjummaaaa :D Kamsahamida !!!! thanks for bringing me to church , for infulencing me , guidiing me , teaching me , playing with me , thanks :DDDD you always will be my ahjumma , my shepard :D <3 
Saraenghaeyo ! :D I right now feel like hugging you ! xD you sure sayyy yer geli haha :DDDD
You're one awesome leader :DDD !!!!!!!
Lalalalaalalallalalalal :D chinca kamsahamida ahjumma , na chinca chinca saraenghaeyo :D hwaitting O(^^)O
Hehehhee i still remember the first time i met you :P last year rainbow party xD you so shy with me that time xDDDDD , hahahah , now bo shy jorrr xD i also remember the first time i didnt know how to speell you name then Gaibei teach me "SeeHuii" xD haha then i sms you and you said its "SeeWei" la T T xD hahah really paiseh that time :P sowieeeeee , bianie unnie :) hahah , thanks for telling me your things and listening to mine , thanks for the advise and crazynessssssssssssssss i love you shaporh :P <3 
Shaporh wanshii , you turnnn luuu :P 
ehhhh teach me how to sing :X you sing so nice dao /.\ i sing like .... you know laaa i dunid say haha xD
I want choclateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! :PPPP i wanttttttttttttt
Nextime lets go out :D 
go out find choclate and buy buy buy :D 
be fat fat one day YAY :D haha 
thanks nehhhhh you always crazy with me xD hahah , remember ahhh nextime lets go buy choclate and Sing K :P teachh meee :P imma waitng you ;) ! 
I love love you laaaaaa , my crazy 38 hou man derh sukiii :P
hehehehehhe , thanks so muchiieeeee at camp you listen to me share some things with you at my bed with the blanket cover cover xD hahah  , I never got the chance to say , you SO CUTE O.O
xDDD hahah , thanks willing be crazy with me , sing with me , and care me :') I <3 you 38 porhhh :P 
Awhhh my lovely daughter turn :P hehehehheh you know what i want to say xD cz i fb inbox with you about it xD 
haha really appericiate you :) on tuesday really damn gam dong :') you accompany me all the way at Mid Valley just to cheer me up , very rare to find a daughter like you :P , thanks yeahhhhh :) i keep it short and simple here but you know how i really feel :P <3 I know you're going through alot now , JIAYOU , i'll always be here , supporting you all the way <3 Jia you , Hwaitting !!! ;D
Hubby <3 , thanks for listening to me and telling me and willing to share with me :) <3 hahah , you're also going through alot recently , gambatehh :) I will also be here supporting you also :) ! , if you need a friend im here , Jesus here , your family here for you :P , Jia you in exammm :P , Glorifyyy his name :D Oh yeah !!! , thanks always give me sweet :D haha 
see you later at IOI :P <3
Jyin gor :DDD hahah thanks yeahh , you teach chinese too :D , you listen to me , gave me advise and banyank lagi :P haha jiayou learning that "River Flows In You " man man laii :)
Hahha , gambatehh in exammm :))))) never give up :))) ! Jyin Hwaitting :D 
Ying Ying 
Ying Ying jie :DDD why your skin so nice T T  share share some secrettt laaa :P see my skin        
T^T sad case xD haha , awhhhhhh you soooo dak yii nehh :( .... haha , thanks for everything ! :D btw you may not know it , but i learnt how to be strong from you :D haha :) ... thanks :D <3 , you forever my ying ying :P <3 MINE :DDDD muahahahahha :D thank you so much ! <3 
Hahah thank you edmond gor , ;P you teach me this word , "Gam Sai Leiii" hahhahahah xD , you always veryy cool like that :P haha thanks dint beat me so hard when i play One Two Jus xD that time , thankyou for chatime :DDDDDD i owe you jelly but i not enough sugar at home now to make :( next week i go buy :P , hahah also thanks for the friut cake you make lastime :D not bad lerhhh xDDDD nextime my birthday make for me choclate cake lahhh xD haha , anyways Jiayou jiayou :D , xie xie edmond gor :P 
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee my dancer turn :P hehehehehe , awhhhh lets dance somemore xD hahah , your mummy cooking extremly niceleeee :D btw hope you like the toothpaste thingi :D haha thanks for always smiling at me :D heheheh :P <3
You’ll always be my sistar no matter what J I love you ! thanks so much for your loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D hehe
Hohohohoo dao ni liaooo :P !
Hahah thanks yeahhh shaguaaa , you help me in my tetris battle xD haha you rank me untill 21 then I rank back down to 19 /.\ sorry xD haha , thanks always accompany me when I cant sleep at night J enn laa sayang you :) sha sha brother :P hahah ,
Thanks always bully me xD hahahaha xDDD and thanks always take care of me like im your real lil sis ;) , and thanks for that day chatime haha and your petrol also ;) Mm goii aa gor
Jia Jia 
Jia jia jieee :P why you so slim T T and where you buy your clothes??? Quite nice leeee >< hahah :P thanks nehhh yesterday dint complain about my loud fart xDD hahahaahahhahahahahahahahahha xDDD !!!! epic moment :D haha thanks always let me follow you when I come church early and noone else ther but you :P thanks jia jia jie :D I love seii you :P
Hehehhehe my dougieeee gorrr :D I friends with you ever since I was form 2 untill now , WOW fantastic xD Hahaha , thanks make me laugh a lot and at times accompany me  take bus :P gam dong nehhhh :DDDD Jiayouuu in your work , in christ , in form 6 , in life :D you crazy mui always here to bully and support you :P oh yeahhh ! xD
Ehhh where you go recently L why I no see you one ? D: faster come backkk , my chinese improved liaooo now I sharing also sometimes talk chinese lehh xD faster faster come back , hear me speak xDD hahahahaha , we all waiting youuu ! :D nehhehhehehehehe , thanks larr that day at bus you help me holdmy books J heavy dao , thanks yaaaaa and thanks always zat me xD hahahahah a:) hope you fast fast come back :D
Ah C 

上周陪我等待我的母来接我pendriveXD哈哈谢谢跟我玩:)真的很感P sorry if its quite short xD and if the chinese cacat not my fault xDDD BLAME GOOGLE TRANSLATE XD  haha :P
Wing Heng
Haha thanks for accompanying me at IOI a very long time ago xD haha and thanks for playing with me , tahaning my crazyness and many others xD thanks for that day lastiem bai nian let me see your turtle haha x) really thanks yarhhh :)

Well this is my first time writing my blog so long @~@ haha thanks ya guys , really appericiate you , if I did not mention your name , sorry because im not good at names and some idk how to spell xD hahahahhahahaha really sorry , well conclusion is


Thanks for accepting me for who I am :) you guys are awesome

Well now is gonna be 1pm soon , I guess I better get ready and go IOI now x))))) bye bye J !

Thursday, May 10, 2012

1st day of mid year examination!!!!

Ahhhhh this week been quite stressful for me :( ,
Study study study L
HOW BORING !!! >< but no choice , D:
Had My 2 Bm papers today , >< not bad bahh
Hope to get a B at least :)
 Next paper is English , ahhh no tips L
Study EVERYTHING T^T , Hope To get and A- , A , Or better yet
A+ :D
Studying English :)

Today I just found out that I have to take the accounts paper next Friday D:
OMG !!!! God Please Help Me D: , I MUST NOT FAIL!!!!
My parents will kill me :’(
My accounts not good at all D: im not prepared , Oh God Please Help Me :’(
Im nervous D: Studied but nothing about accounts went in my brain D:
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I need help L !!!
Good luck Shana You Sure Can Do It !!!! :’) I believe in myself !!

Studying Accounts /.\
Today don’t know why but the weather so freaking hot ! >.<
Btw , I finally made up my mind ,
Minimum : 22 People
That’s my goal ^^ 22 is just a minimum , hope to achieve that goal and have MORE people :D
I believe Jesus will help me J
God Is My Refuge And Strength ,
I trust in him <3 , 22++ people , get ready for me :D
I’ll be coming ,
Oh yeahh , well I guess I better go back to studying again /.\
Bye bye :D

Monday, May 7, 2012

Awesomeness Overload x)

Im back :D
Wohoo yesterday was an awesome day  x)
Had breakfast with KaiWen and Vivian ;)
It was okay J
Then we were off on our way to church for prayer meeting ^^

After prayer meeting everyone had to go for a meeting so me and Vivian went to Mid Valley for our cold lunch x) [Snowflakes]
Then we took a bus back to church and it started to drizzle /.\
Me and Vivian RANNNNNNNNNNNNNN across the road xD

Then when we reached church and got into GaiBei car we did what we haven’t done in a VERY long time xD ,
We started Singing loudly , clapping and somehow dancing in the car xD
I miss those moments :’) so long since I did that with those 2 crazy people J
After that went somewhere and play a game of truth xDDDDD
Keep kena me and Vivian only Gaibei so rare xD haha ,
Asked each other stupid questions that we had to answer the truth xD
Then it was time for us to go home x)

Spent some quality time with my family and then I called Vivian to talk about crazy stuff :D Oh Yeah ! , I Love My Daughter :’)
Heheh , talk for almost an hour then it was time to go to bed ,
Before going to bed I prayed and worshiped my Lord x)
I miss him so much eventhou he is always by my side
I Love You My Lord !

That’s all for today I guess J
Time to go study x) exam this Wednesday L
Wish me luck ! :D
Bye Bye …

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Its all about you :)

Time to update my bloggie again J
Finally I can let things out :) ,
Been going through a lot of things lately :( ,
Hey boy , is it me or are you avoiding me when she is around?
Hey girl , why you suddenly so close to him ? Why you suddenly so weird? Last time you told me you were so angry dislike his ways and then suddenly now you like this? Why you always do this? Last time I like another guy you kept being close to him so I gave up and now I like this guy and you’re going close to him , cant you just find your own guy? Why you keep doing this to me ????
Ya , Im Jealous ! , Is it possible for you to not be so close to him ? /.\
Haiz :( every guy I like there sure will be a girl that will change everything :’(
ISH larhh D:
What to do ? Stop liking this guy ? Ignore and get hurt ? Force myself to not care?
If I find another guy , you will go after him ?
Haizzzz so many negativity D:
Skip , next topic L
Went church ytd J pastor talked about honouring your parents !
What pastor say really impacted me :) ,
I should treat my parents better ,
My mom , she went through carrying me in her tummy for 9 months ,
She went through all that pain just for me :’) Mummy I love you
My Dad , He supported me :D , paid for everything , gave me as much love my mom did ,
My parents , they are awesome :) , I love them so much ,
Their love is never ending and I know they love me a lot J
their love towards me represents God love towards us , never ending <3

To all the people out there , you surely would want someone to sacrifice everything for you right?
to give their life up ,
To love you no matter what happens or how you look ,
To comfort you and always be there to support you ,
To accompany you everytime you’re lonely ,
To give you compassion ,
To be on your side ,
To be with you no matter what ,
To care for you ,
To miss you ,
To keep you safe,
Well let me tell you this ,
If you had a boyfriend/girlfriend like that you would surely love and accept him right?
Jesus Christ , He love you so much that he died for you ,
He gave everything he could for you ,
Every hour , minute , second , he misses you ,
He loves you no matter what you’ve done wrong ,
Ask for forgiveness with a true heart and he will forgive you ,
When you’re lonely he is always beside you ,
When you’re hurt , he always comforts you ,
He is always there to protect you , support you , love you , accompany you , he is always there for you…
You’re the apple of his eyes :)
He is just waiting for you ,
Waiting for you to tell him you love him
Waiting for you to accept him
Waiting for you to ...
He did so much for YOU :’) 
Click on the link below to see if you dont believe ...
Yours Truly :) Shana